пʼятницю, 9 грудня 2016 р.

9th Form

Завдання на період карантину

Prepare for speaking on the topics

1. Which indoor games do you play regularly? Which indoor games are common in your country? Do you like to take part or watch any outdoor sports, live or on TV?
2. Do you prefer big parties or quiet celebrations? What is the most important holiday in your country?
3. Who is your favorite celebrity? What kind of films do you prefer watching? Tell us about a film you have seen recently?
4. Who are the most important people in your life? Tell us about your best friend. What do you and your friends usually do for fun?
5. What is the best invention in the world? Do you think it is easy to create or invent something new? What kind of invention is still has to appear?
6. Do you find it easy to make friends? Why/Why not? What qualities do you think are important in a friend? What kind of person will never become a friend of yours?
7. What is the weather like in Ukraine? How is it different from the weather in Great Britain?
8. Describe your hometown. What are your local industries? Is your hometown famous for anything?
What changes have happened recently in your town and what do you think will happen in the future?
9. Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information?
10. Should there be a dress code in places such as school, restaurants, and places of business? Why or why not?

QUIZ on English-Speaking Countries

понеділок, 14 листопада 2016 р.

7th Form

Unit II. How to Manage Your English Language Learning
Unit III. Soup and Salad Every Day

Read the Information, Prepare For Quiz

Завдання на період карантину

Повторити слова ст.71, переглянути діалог "Eating at Home" та виконати письмово впр.2 після діалога

Написати опис малюнка на ст.85 використовуючи Present Simple, Present Continuous(15 речень)

Tell about your everyday meals: your likes and dislikes in food; who cooks meals; what dishes you can cook yourself; your favourite dishes (усно)

Дізнайтеся більше про правила поведінки за столом

списати слова на ст.78 Unit III. Bon Appetite

Готуємося до семестрової контрольної роботи https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByWsWkEZt-FlalhDZFNSVWYzck0/view

Unit III. From the Cookery Book.

Unit III. Let's Have a Bite

Learn the Topic "The USA"

Learn About the Geography of the USA

Unit IV. 4.2. My Heart's in the Highlands

Unit IV. 4.3. Welcome to Wales

Unit IV. 4.4. The Emerald Isle

Unit V. 5.2. Made in Great Britain

Watch the Video

Unit V. 5.3. American Pastime

Unit V. 5.4. Sport Stars

Unit VI. 6.1. Are You a Cinema-goer?